Written by Quinn Pender |
After publishing A New Schedule for The New Morgan School, the PawPrint surveyed freshmen, sophomores and juniors about the new schedule. 29% of the students that responded liked the new schedule and 63% didn’t like the new schedule.
A few of the 95 people questioned the need for the new schedule: “Just keep it the way it is. The new schedule seems too complicated and unorganized” and “Why is there a new schedule?”. Other students concerned about the two block period days said “the block schedule is a bad idea because kids cannot sit still for that long. The two hour long class schedule is like a college schedule, and we are only in high school. Students in high school do not have the patience to sit and learn for a whole two hours straight”. The block periods of the new schedule are 89 minutes long not two hours long. Almost thirty percent of the students said that their favorite part of the new schedule was two days with the three long block periods.
Other students feel the lack of rotation will be difficult: “the limited rotation may be hard for some people, because I personally love how some days I will have a class last period and in two days first.” Next years’ seniors are concerned about maintaining senior privilege. 35.8% of those who responded said their favorite part of the new schedule was X block.
Mrs. Hagness explained that one of the reasons the new schedule will not rotate anymore is to allow seniors and underclassmen the opportunity to attend programs at different schools . Seniors will have the opportunity to go to school in the morning and their job or an internship in the afternoon. The new schedule will provide new opportunities for the students at Morgan that the current schedule does not provide.
Almost 90% of the students said they like the current schedule. The favorite feature of our current schedule is the rotation of the schedule. Students also like dropping a period every six days. I am really excited for the new schedule, and and I am looking forward to using it at the new Morgan School.
Filed under: Academics, Alumni, Class of 2016, Class of 2017, clinton, Clinton Town Events, community, Faculty, Freshman, graduation, Journalism, Juniors, Morgan Writers, Our Morgan, Schedule, seniors, students, Teacher Life, teachers, The Morgan School, The New Morgan School, The old Morgan School